Sunday, January 06, 2013

Shoe Boxes

I am still collecting shoe boxes for an upcoming project. I appreciate everyone that has sent one or more boxes. The students will be making an American Revolution diorama. Students will show their favorite scene from the American Revolution such as: Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Lexington and Concord, Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, Signing of the Treaty of Paris, or another event of the American Revolution. We will start/plan the project at school, and students will be given until Thursday, January 31, to complete the project and turn it in to me. One main part of the project will be that the scene be as authentic as possible. In other words, plastic green army men from the Dollar Tree would not look like British or colonial soldiers (unless they are altered). Items made of construction paper, tissue paper, play dough, and popsicle sticks look really neat inside the box. As we finish up the American Revolution in class this week and early next week, we will be discussing the project further.