Monday, January 14, 2013

American Revolution Diorama

The students will receive these directions tomorrow. We will spend Tuesday and Wednesday in class researching and planning for this activity.*** American Revolution Dioramas*** Due Date: Thursday, January 31, 2013*** Each student will: Choose an event that was involved in the separation of the thirteen colonies from England (French and Indian War, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Stamp Act Congress, Signing of the Declaration of Independence, Battle of Bunker Hill, Victory at Yorktown, Signing of the Treaty of Paris, or many more. *** Research your topic using your American History textbook, the Internet, library books, and/or Mrs. Bryan’s collection of books. *** Create a scene inside a shoe box (or a box of similar size). You may use all types of paper, play dough, felt, popsicle sticks, Legos, grass, cotton balls, string, and other items to create your scene. Items in your scene must be appropriate to the time. In other words, green, Army men from the Dollar Tree would not look like the Redcoats or members of the Continental Army (unless you altered them in some way). Your name and title must be visible inside your box or on top of your box.*** Bring your diorama to school on Thursday, January 31st. Be prepared to show your classmates your project. You will briefly talk about your topic and tell us about making the project (how you did it).***